[title, f.37r:] Motetto | à 4 Voci. | con | 2 Clarini. e Timpano. | 2 Violini, e | Contrabasso. | Del Sig:r Giov: Giuseppe Fux Mstro. di | Cap:la di S: M: C: e Catt:a
Lawrence Bennett: A little known collection of early eighteenth century: Vocal music at Schloss Elisabethenburg, Meiningen, in: Fontes artis musicae: journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, 48(2001), S. 271ff, Appendix D, S. 302.
Othmar Wessely (Hg.), Hellmut, Federhofer (Hg.), Rudolf Flotzinger (Hg.): J. J. Fux: Sämtliche Werke (ed. J. J. Fux-Gesellschaft, 8ser.), Graz, Kassel 1959-, 3, 4, S. 94ff.