An Essay Upon The Probable Methods Of making a People Gainers In The Ballance of Trade Treating of these Heads, viz. Of the People of England. Of the Land of England, and its Product. Of our Payments to the Publick, and in what manner the Ballance of Trade may be thereby affected. That a Country cannot increase in Wealth and Power but by private Men doing their Duty to the Publick, and but by a steady Course of Honesty and Wisdom, in such as are trusted with the Administration of Affairs.
Heading title:
An Essay Upon The Probable Methods Of making a People Gainers In The Ballance of Trade Treating of these Heads
Verf. ermittelt
Fingerprint nach Ex. der ThULB Jena
Vorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: London: Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700.
Signaturformel nach Ex. der ThULB Jena: A-B8 (B7 + 2), [1], C-N8 (D7 + 1, G6 + 1), O4, P2